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    We are committed to the early identification of Special Educational Needs (SEN). Shacklewell Primary School adopts a graduated response to meeting SEN and Disability (SEND) in line with the SEN Code of Practice 0-25, 2014. All children throughout the school are monitored regularly to ensure they continue to access the curriculum successfully and to help early identification of need.

    To help us identify, assess and provide appropriate provision we have access to the following services:

    • Educational Psychologists
    • Specialist teachers
    • Speech and Language Therapists
    • Occupational Therapists
    • Physiotherapists
    • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
    • In-house Learning Mentor Support

    We involve parents and carers in target setting and inform them of their child's progress throughout the academic year. Parents and carers are consistently involved and supported in order to help children reach their targets.

    Shacklewell is fully inclusive and we strive to ensure SEN pupils have full access to our broad curriculum and extracurricular activities. 

    To find more information about services for children with SEND in Hackney, please visit


    Our SENCo is Patrick Middleburg.

    He is contactable on 020 7254 1415 or